Play is essential for children

Play is crucial for children’s physical, mental and social development, as well as their overall health and well-being. Across all countries and cultures, children learn about themselves, the world around them and their place in it through play.

Play takes many forms: physical play, play with objects, symbolic play, pretend or socio-dramatic play, games with rules, digital play. Each type of play supports various aspects of their growth. A balanced mix of these play experiences is key to healthy development.

Play is a fundamental right

Play is a right. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child recognises play as a fundamental human need, just like food and shelter. Regrettably, this is not always reflected in society.

The International Day of Play, first celebrated on 11 June 2024, serves as an important reminder of the need to elevate the importance of play around the world.

Children need to play more and learn more

It is easy to overlook how vital play is for children's development and well-being when it appears so effortless and natural. Unfortunately, not all children have the time, space, and support they need to play.

Cities often lack spaces for free outdoor play. In many cases, educational curricula put too much emphasis on schoolbook education rather than free and more creative ways of learning, especially for younger children. Busy parents also tend to fill children's schedules with structured activities, leaving little room for spontaneous play and creativity.

It is crucial that we do not take play for granted. Instead, it must be actively promoted and integrated into various policies and planning that impact children’s lives, such as urban development, education, and transport. To ensure play environments meet their needs, it's important to consider children’s perspectives when planning their playtime.

Investing in play is a simple but powerful way to contribute to the happiness, resilience, and well-being of future generations.